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up in beautiful, colorful things. No one thinks anything one way or the Premium clairo camp fest festival tour 2022 t-shirt Apart from…,I will love this other, which is the point. During the shoot I noticed some of the nail colors were really muted, like the light blue and the pinks and the greens. I said, “You might wanna pick one of the red colors!” About three or four days after the shoot was over. I still had the nail varnish on and thought, I can actually see where my hands are going. I’m not kidding you! It’s really useful, and I thought, “I’m not taking this stuff off!” When you pick a glass up, you actually connect with what you’re doing, which is what style is all about. Speaking of style, you’ve always had it in spades. You seem to really have fun with fashion and never limit yourself. What’s your personal style philosophy? Style, to me,
