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do little work to develop our own because of deep rooted fears of rejection. It is less important what exactly a woman wears, and more important that she wears less than culturally appropriate. Men will always find at least one woman in their surroundings hot, even if they all wear burkas – but if you want to be the Official Wyoming Cowboys 2022 Barstool Sports Arizona Bowl Shirts but in fact I love this one, you need your burka to be a little more revealing than those of others. Also, there is “Theiss Titillation Theory”: attractiveness of an outfit is proportional to the apparent chance that the outfit will fail and reveal something it shouldn’t. For example, short skirts might reveal what’s underneath them in a strong gust of wind or the wrong (right) position. Picture: anime is infamous for its short skirts and their failures. Of course, a woman needs a certain amount of attractiveness for either of these approaches to work. An elderly
