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Crowninshield’s accounts, McAllister was an incredibly cultured man: In an essay about Mrs. Astor, Crowninshield claimed that “whatever knowledge she had mastered of good cuisine was mainly derived from Ward McAllister, who, for one thing, knew more about terrapin than any cordon bleu that ever lived.” McAllister is also credited with turning Newport, Rhode Island, into the Official Slumped Boyz 2022 World Series Houston Astros Slumpled Shirt In addition,I will do this lavish summer social mecca frequented by the wealthiest families in America. Yet, unlike Mrs. Astor, McAllister eagerly embraced the new-money industrialists like the Vanderbilts and the Morgan family—paving the way to make them palatable by the old guard. Although she’s only appeared in one Gilded Age episode thus far—where she holds a doll tea party—Mamie Fish was also a real-life socialite. Known
